Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Zeppelin Over Yarwell

We are nearly there. The Zeppelin is in its final resting place and Mike has put up the sign.

On March 6th 1916  John Coleman Binder  in Oundle was called out for duty at 11.15 pm because zeppelins were in the area. He heard a zeppelin but did not see it. One of the other men also on night duty heard an explosion in the distance.  On the following day Coleman Binder learnt that Zeppelins had sailed over the Eastern counties along the east coast but the Zeppelins got no further west than Wansford.
This might have been the occasion when a bomb was dropped somewhere above Wansford.
On Friday 19th April 1918 Zeppelins raided again this time dropping a bomb which fell into a wheat field opposite the Yarwell/Nassington cemetery. The explosion was so load that it could be heard in Oundle 10 miles away. The bomb crater is still visible in the field.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

A Zeppelin Over Yarwell Continued.

Since we last posted a blog about this project we have been working very hard to compete the exhibition in time for its opening in May. We raised the Zeppelin which looks more like a giant slug.

Here we are putting up the fishing line which will hold the Zeppelin. We had to attach eight lines onto the beams on either side.

Then with the help of adults and children we began to slowly raise it up.
I was quite nerve racking since we  were worried that we might drop the Zep as we now call it.

It is now up and if we open the big barn doors it sways gently in the breeze.

In the meantime our research into the families and the effects the war had on them continued.